Welcome to my blog!!

Welcome....I have created this blog to keep a record of the highlights of what's happening recently in my life and post my work on what I've have completed so far during my experience at University. Enjoy!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Individual Artefact Proposal - Halloween Interactive Thriller / Horror

For my indivuidual artefact for creatuive media practice, i have decided to produce an interactive horror/thriller, as this also fits with the current halloween theme. For this assignment I'll have to consider a variety of factors to form a plan, before i start the task.

- Equipment (camera + tripod)
- Use of after effects
- Use of youtube editor
- Use of outfits (halloween costume)
- Locations (possibly flat in city centre)
- Rooms I would film in
- Length of interactive footage
- Stages of interactive videos and order of videos

Would this work?

What other factors would I have to consider to make it stand out from just a practice task?

Creative media practice - Interactive YouTube Game

Today we finished our interactive youtube game, which pretty much tested our ability to use after effects and edit on youtube, after  a long summer break from it! We managed to get ours finished and based it on a game of rock , paper , scissors, which proved to be pretty simple and basic, forming a very short and simple product in the form of a series of youtube videos. We then presented this game to the class, although some of it didn't work properly!

Rock, Paper, Scissors / Interactive Game (Main) 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Summer placements (continued...)

After finishing my whole week at Lime pictures, I asked at the produciton office there on my last day to check if any further placement were available thorughout the summer, but there were no more vacancies. I was keen to go back and do another placement as i knew this would look far better on my CV.

A couple of week later towards the end of July, I spoke to a friend who has worked at Lime in the deisgn department, who gave my name and number the the head set dresser. Thankfully I received a text days later asking me to pop in for some more work expeirence, this time in design! A week or so later I began working at Lime as a design runner and stagehand / freelance design, which I found out was paid work. This was the best jobh I've had. Loved every minute of it and I met a lot of new poeple in the design department who helped me gain a lot of experience dressing sets and helping out with the creation of scenes for the Hollyoaks drama.

My fourth placement of the summer came when a friend on the course approached me with the chance  to work as a camera assiastant at CREAMFIELD FESTIVAL. I took up this opportunity straight away and camped at the festival for a whole weekend at the end of august. Whilst I was there I carried out loads of smalls jobs such as deliverring food and drink to the film crew from different base camps, as well as assistaning with filming on stage such as cable managing!

Summer 13' Work placements - Action packed summer!

During the summer break between second and final year of the MPS course I lined myself up with a few work placements to add to my CV for when I graduate next year. One placement was set up the university and my course and the other three I found in my own time. Being on easch placement allowed me to get a good feel of how people work in the media industry and I gained quite a bit of experience in a number of different areas.

My first placement was with HURRICANE FILMS, which lasted about 6 weeks. My role was as a production runner which led to me to carrying out small tasks such as helping wityh things in the head office in liverpool city centre, as well as doing my own bit of filming in the city for a project on their online site. I carried on with the internship until I decided to leave mid-July, due to starting further placements in liverpool.

After leaving hurricane I started a week placement in LIME PICTURES in liverpool, with the help of an interview set up by my course tutor. At lime  i really enjoyed working as a camera assistant for the majority of the week, whilstm eeting a lot of new people there who were good to work with. I started the week as a 3rd AD (Assistant Director) but then relealised that there wasn't a massive responsiblity or work for me here, as I was ltiterally just shadowing the 3rd AD, which left me with a lot of astanding around watchign the scenes on Hollyoaks. I decided that camera work would have more work for me, so spoke to a camera assistant before carrying on with the cameras for the remainder of the week.