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Welcome....I have created this blog to keep a record of the highlights of what's happening recently in my life and post my work on what I've have completed so far during my experience at University. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Final Artefact Research & Planning...

Before I presented my piece of work for the creative media module I researched into the type of project I was going to produce and planned what themec and method I felt most comfortable using! I decided to choose YouTube annotations as my method as I enjoyed producing this during practice excersises. I also decided to base my theme around halloween as I began planning around 31st October, therfore decided to produce sequence of horror clips on youtube, that form a small interactive game. Here is some of my planning/research oahead of the final piece!

For my final Artifact I decided that using YouTube Annotations was the best way to present my project as:

  • Easiest method to present a horror sequence
  • Best way to combine music and video for a horror feel
  • Genuinely preferred using an interactive project as this has allowed the user to make choices throuhhout.

I found this online article useful, in helping me to create the typical edgy atmosphere for a horror film. This gave my guidance in paying attention to the use of Audio, costume, Graphic Scenes, Use of victims and generally creating a spooky atmosphere for the user, when interactive with each short clip.


I based my horror sequence on the popular 'American Horror Story Series, combined with the Friday 13th series. Having watched the first 2 series of AHS, I decided that this would be an ideal piece to base my work on; an old fashioned approach to Horror films. The 'Intruder' in my horror scenes is based on character Jason Voorhees, from Firday 13th. I attempted to recreate his appearance and use a sneak-up scene to imitate the muder scenes in the films. I decided to capture all of my footage indoors and base most of it in the living room & kitchen, the same as in America Horror Story Series 1 and also the Friday 13th Series. Many Horror scenes happen in a house in AHS, where my idea of having an intruder entering a home worked. To make this work as an interactive game, I looked at a range of clips from the AHS episodes, and worked out how I would offer the user a set of options/choices throughout the film, before leading them to an ultimatum: e.g. The big decision between picking two items in a fridge, which would lead either losing or winning at the game. For the series of videos, once I had annotated and linked each video togethers, I then picked a suitable soundtrack for each one, and attached this to the video via YouTube. I searched for the most appropriate sound that would give the sequence a horror feel.

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